Genss > Action > One Piece Shura > 1098 Chapter 524 Extreme (Part 2)

One Piece Shura 1098 Chapter 524 Extreme (Part 2)

Something bad!

The goal of the devil...

Actually it's me!

At the beginning, Chu Yi thought that the target that the Demon King was going to deal with was Lei Li and the others. Who thought that after Chu Yi contacted Lei Li, the Demon King's gaze suddenly shifted to him.Obviously, this is the original strategy of the Demon King, that is, taking Leili and others as pawns, and the person who really wants to deal with is Chu Yi.


It's terrible.

In other words, extreme laziness is terrible, and what the devil controls is extreme laziness.

Lazy to the point that I don't want to do anything, I don't want to care about anything, even if it is lazy to think, this is the emotional interference that Chu Yi faces.

In order to fight against laziness, except for relying on his own willpower to support Chu Yi, all his abilities seemed useless.What is even more desperate is that when the Demon King affected Chu Yi with his lazy mood, Raleigh was also under the lazy mood and opened his eyes very hard.

It means...

The laziness was not completely transferred from Lei Li's body to Chu Yi's body.

The lazy mood was only transmitted from Lei Li's body to Chu Yi's body. If Chu Yi and Lei Li contact more people, it is very likely that the lazy mood will infect more people.

As for this moment, Chu Yi and Leili could only endure the emotional disturbance of the Demon King silently, especially Chu Yi, who was under the special care of the Demon King, biting their lips hard, hoping to use pain to make themselves awake.

But is it useful?

If it is useful, the devil is not a devil.

The devil's breath enveloped Chu Yi's body, and his lazy mood affected Chu Yi's body and his thinking. It is possible that Chu Yi would fall asleep lazily in the next second, and would never be able to wake up.Facing the interference of the devil, Chu Yi didn't think of any way to fight it for a while.

But when Chu Yi couldn't hold it...



A burst of blood suddenly burst out of Chu Yi's body, which was obviously the power of the "fragment of the law of blood".

Thinking of relying on one's own strength, there may be no way to deal with the devil's emotional infection, relying on the power of "laws" is the ability to be able to fight the devil a little bit.Chu Yi exploded with the power of the "fragment of the law of blood", originally thinking that he could slightly fight the devil's emotional contagion ability.

Who would have thought that when Chu Yi broke out with the power of the "rule of blood fragments", the result would still be the same.The lazy mood still interferes with Chu Yi. The bursting out of the "fragment of the law of blood" power seems to be affected by the demon king. Suddenly it changes from the explosive stage to the stable stage, and from the stable stage to laziness to silence. The stage.

"Does it mean that the power of the "law" is useless?"

"Then the Demon King is invincible. With his emotionally contagious ability, is it possible that the Demon King can kill the "god"?"

I don't think that the devil's ability is invincible. Chu Yi still supports his willpower to compete with the devil's ability. On the other hand, he silently tries various methods to escape the devil's emotional contagion ability.


Chu Yi discovered that the Demon King's abilities were not invincible.

Because when Chu Yi entered his soul world, Chu Yi discovered that the Demon King’s abilities had been slightly affected. The lazy mood that originally made Chu Yi feel helpless, suddenly became easy to contend after Chu Yi entered the soul world. a bit.

of course.

At most, it was slightly easier to contend, and it was not enough to completely resist the Demon King's ability.

But soon, when Chu Yi's soul world began to absorb the emotional infection of the Demon King, Chu Yi saw the dawn.Especially when the laziness is completely absorbed, Chu Yi feels his own soul world, as if after absorbing the laziness of the devil, he has become more solidified, and Chu Yi has a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. , Surprisingly know the way to deal with the devil.

That is the soul world!

As for the principle of the soul world's ability to restrain the devil,

To put it plainly, the devil’s ability is a “rule”, just like Chu Yi’s soul, time, space, and taboo. If you don’t understand the soul, time, space, and taboo, it’s natural. The mystery of the soul, the mystery of time, the mystery of space, and the mystery of taboo are very magical.

But what about after understanding?

That's it!

And Chu Yi's soul world is a place that can absorb "rules". As long as the "rules" lacking in Chu Yi's soul world, Chu Yi's soul world can have the ability to swallow it.Moreover, after swallowing the lack of "rules", Chu Yi's soul world can become more complete, so it seems that the demon lord's emotional contagion ability is like helping Chu Yi improve his soul world.

Therefore, after going to Tiger, Jinping, Hancock and others in turn, after helping them solve the demon king's ability, Chu Yi's soul world has undoubtedly become stronger than before.However, when dealing with the devil's ability to use emotional infections, manipulating Leily, Tiger and the others, Chu Yi had never found Mihawk, which made Chu Yi a little worried.

Because, like Raleigh and Tiger, they are all vulnerable to the devil’s fascination and fall into the ability to be emotionally infected. Mihawk, a guy who has been obsessed but has been suppressing, may not be affected by the devil’s emotions. ?

Although Mihawk can also shape the soul world, Mihawk's soul world obviously cannot be compared with Chu Yi's. After all, Chu Yi's soul world has been shaped for a long time, and it has four strong "rules" in it. , Supported by a "rule fragment".On the other hand, in Mihawk's soul world, there are almost no "rules" other than the mystery of the soul. It is a little bit difficult for Mihawk's soul world to deal with the devil's emotional infection ability.

Therefore, Chu Yi was very worried that Mihawk was affected by the devil's emotions, and was eventually controlled by the devil and became his temporary enemy.But when Chu Yizhen found Mihawk, and found that Mihawk was easily dealing with the nightmare in the world of the undead, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and Chu Yi felt that he was worried.

Especially when Mihawk looked at Chu Yi with a relaxed face, as if traveling in the world of the undead, Chu Yi sighed helplessly and asked:

"Did the Demon King never find you? Mihawk?"

"Or, the emotional infection of the devil is useless to you, your soul world..."

"Can also perfectly restrain the devil's emotional contagion?"


Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:.Nine Heavens God Emperor Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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