Professor Kal

Professor Kal

author:Mungknut Genre:Fantasy Status:Ongoing time:2024-04-04 19:50:40 count:2035

Professor Kaldescription: Countless years were spent deep in his lab, perfecting the solution to an age old problem. Finally, with the success he had been searching for. An undead Lich is finally free from the shackles of his
Professor KalLatest Chapter:118 Getting What You Wan

《Professor Kal》Latest chapter

118 Getting What You Wan
117 An Unfortunate Truth
116 Giving Chase
115 The Enchanter Bonus chapter
114 Repor
113 They Met in a Tavern
112 Running Into Trouble
111 Unusual Feelings
110 Say Youre Sorry
109 Gains and Losses
108 A New Lease on Life
107 Whats Yours is Mine
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《Professor Kal》Chapter

1 Success Edited
2 Shambling Mounds Edited
3 Fear
4 Kalcifer
5 Red Dragon
6 Professor Kal
7 Lessons 1/2
8 Lessons 2/2
9 History of the World
10 Machinations
11 Taking Care of Business
12 Well Laid Plans
13 Consequences
14 The Expedition
15 Lost in the Woods
16 Too Sof
17 Yelling and Cursing
18 A Mothers Love
19 The Ritual
20 Silent Nigh
21 Watching History in the Making
22 Change of Plans
23 A Proposition
24 Auxilliary Lessons
25 First Encounter
26 Ragtag Uni
27 Pop Quiz
28 The Dead of Nigh
29 Passing Grade
30 Woman in White
31 Searching
32 Defiance
33 Painting the Walls
34 Aftermath
35 Finding Home
36 Travel Plans
37 Alessandria
38 Royal Arrival
39 Worm Food
40 Fun Shall Be Had
41 Reports
42 One Month
43 On a Mission
44 Like Lambs to a Slaughter
45 Phthisis
46 Explanations
47 Wings
48 The Beginning of Battle
49 Big trouble in little Swayzee
50 Helping Ou
51 Deja Vu
52 Moving on up.
53 Do Work, Get Paid
54 Fifty
55 The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time.
56 Becoming Whole Again
57 Past Decisions
58 A Hasty Decision
59 Saving a Life
60 Losing Yourself
61 Dead Woods 1/2
62 Dead Woods 2/2 Bonus chapter
63 Experience is Key
64 A Paladins Pride
65 Settling In
66 Into the Undead Dungeon
67 A Lichs Best Friend
68 Talking to a Friend
69 Nice The Haunted Mansion 1/2
70 Bonus chapter The Haunted Mansion 2/2
71 Grand Opening, I Guess?
72 Worms in the Rain
73 Oops!
74 Filled to the Brim
75 Backroom Meeting
76 A Small World Bonus chapter
77 An Old Acquaintance
78 Peace at Las
79 A Timely Return
80 An Unwilling Accomplice
81 Back Together Again 1/2
82 Back Together Again 2/2
83 Transference 1/2
84 Transference 2/2
85 Bonus chapter Behind the Scenes
86 They Say Size Doesn’t Really Matter
87 A Witness
88 False Witness
89 The Plot Thickens
90 The Rooms
91 Not in Kansas Anymore
92 Promises
93 Something’s Amiss
94 Broken Chains
95 Feed Me Seymour
96 A Little Drafty
97 Ignition
98 Locating the Beas
99 Stepping In
100 Direct Hi
101 Gloves Off
102 Richards Trial
103 The End is Nigh
104 Is This the End?
105 Faded Memories Bonus chapter
106 Discovering Yourself
107 Whats Yours is Mine
108 A New Lease on Life
109 Gains and Losses
110 Say Youre Sorry
111 Unusual Feelings
112 Running Into Trouble
113 They Met in a Tavern
114 Repor
115 The Enchanter Bonus chapter
116 Giving Chase
117 An Unfortunate Truth
118 Getting What You Wan
Tags: Professor Kal Latest chapterProfessor Kal FreeProfessor Kal Novel
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