Genss > Romance > Guidance on Wife Dote: Adorable Mrs. Fu > Chapter 4275

Guidance on Wife Dote: Adorable Mrs. Fu Chapter 4275

"Why am I afraid of him?" Luo Huanhuan hardened his head and said, "but for people like him, it would be better if they went out and were hit by a car!"

Luo Huanxi: "

Zhao bingyue and Luo Huasheng just heard what she said. They took a smoke from the corners of their mouths and soon left the second room and went back to their own other hospital.

"Why is Huanhuan so hostile to he Yijun?" Zhao bingyue couldn't figure it out.

Luo Huasheng sneered: "he Yijun's character is hostile to him. What's the problem?"

He was also filled with the anger of he Yijun who traded with Lin Shanshan behind his back.

Zhao bingyue naturally heard about it and had nothing to say. After all, none of them knew. If Luo Huasheng hadn't broken their deal at that time, no one could predict what he Yijun would do behind their backs.

A few days later, Zhao bingyue, who was getting bigger and bigger, was more and more difficult to sit and stand at home.

Although Luo Huasheng is with her every day, Zhao bingyue's mood is getting more and more irritable day by day.

"Husband, let's go out and play?" Zhao bingyue suggested. She really doesn't want to stay at home anymore.

Naturally, Luo Huasheng couldn't bear to see her like this, but he watched her go out with a stomach. What if something happened?

"Where do you want to go?" Luo Huasheng didn't refuse her directly. He just wanted to see if the place Zhao bingyue wanted to go was safe. If it wasn't safe, he would try his best to persuade her to change a place.

Zhao bingyue actually has no place to go. After thinking about it, she said, "go to my branch. I haven't seen them for a long time."

But when Luo Huasheng thought that there were not only summaries and others in her branch, but also nansirong, who had not appeared for a long time, his face was not very happy.

"What's the matter? Can't you go to this place?" Zhao bingyue's expression has become very unhappy.

"Shall we change places?"

"No!" Zhao bingyue doesn't know why she is so stubborn. Is it because she is pregnant with a child, so she is angry?

"Wife, do you feel too stressed, or I'll take you to see a doctor?" Luo Huasheng and Zhao bingyue are the closest people. Naturally, they can feel her emotional changes.

"Are you saying I'm sick?" Zhao bingyue asked him.

Luo Huasheng finally had no choice but to take her to the company.

When I arrived at the company, I found that the company was closed and not in operation.

"What happened?" Zhao bingyue was silly and looked back at Luo Huasheng.

Luo Huasheng remembered that some time ago, the chairman of his company seemed to have called him and said that the company had recently closed down due to poor management.

Luo Huasheng secretly regretted that he didn't remember earlier. There were many things at that time. After receiving this call, Luo Huasheng didn't think much. He thought it was another company that cooperated with them, so it didn't have much to do with him.

"I seem to have forgotten to tell you. Some time ago, your chairman called me..."

Luo Huasheng relayed what the chairman said to him to Zhao bingyue and added: "I swear, I really didn't deliberately hide it from you. I just didn't care too much, and then thought about the two companies."

In addition, Zhao bingyue has not worked in the company for a long time, and Luo Huasheng has even forgotten that she is the boss of this branch.

Zhao bingyue is very angry, but the fact is that it is not Luo Huasheng who let the company go bankrupt. What can she do?

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