Genss > Sci-fi > Reset of The Apocalypse > v7 Chapter 300: : A3 Fighting Realm

Reset of The Apocalypse v7 Chapter 300: : A3 Fighting Realm, the fastest update to restart the latest chapter of the last days!

Name: Odin

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Coordinates: Earth North America


Lin Chao skipped from the profile sheet, clicked on the [Watch Battle Video] below, and a new window immediately popped up from the page and slowly opened like a picture scroll.

The background in the video is a dark golden pagoda that rises into the clouds and can't see the top. At the bottom of the pagoda is a vast white metal square. I saw a blonde teenager in a black silk robe slowly stepping into the square. With a bit of loneliness, he looked up at the pagoda and then walked towards the carved beast gate on the first floor of the pagoda.

The door opened slowly and automatically.

The blonde teenager was silent for a while before walking in.

The picture of the video turned around and appeared on a vast expanse of grassland. The blonde teenager stood in the middle of the grassland and looked around. It seems to be the interior of the first floor of the pagoda.

Before long, a golden Atlantis youth appeared in front of him, with long ears and a cold face. Without a word, he lifted a golden sword in his hand and directly faced the blonde teenager. .

In the lower left corner of the video, some data emerges showing that the speed of movement of the young Atlantis youth at this moment is 719m / s, and the speed of land movement is almost twice the speed of sound! And, the most important point is that beside this data, there is another data label-

The gravity of the map is five times that of the earth!

What is this concept?

The five times the gravity of the earth can never be calculated by simply dividing the moving speed by five times. An ordinary person can hardly stand still, not to mention walking under five times the gravity of the earth, and 8% Ten people will have fatal symptoms such as cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and blood vessel rupture.

Lin Chao's eyes flashed, and he stared at them.

I saw that the back of the blond boy was very calm, without any panic. At the moment when the Metal Atlantis rushed head-on, he suddenly raised his hand, with a pure black dagger in his palm, like a poisonous snake ejected in the dark. A gleam of cold light flashed over the blade, like the sharp fangs of a poisonous snake, which bit the metal man's thin sword precisely and blocked it firmly.

Without a hit, the metal man responded quickly. Reverse the sword and drive the whole body with the twisting force of the waist.

The fair-haired young man seemed to be a battle-hardened hunter, and his footsteps did not move at all. The black dagger in his hand again accurately blocked the sword.

Bang Bang ~~ The metal man seemed to be indifferent and seemed to have no emotion. He kept collecting his sword and struck out. Each sword was too fast to be seen with the naked eye. He could only see the two standing face to face, and there was a ring of metal around him. Begging. And the faint Mars rubbed out.

Fan Xiangyu was startled, and whispered: "Good!"

Lin Chao nodded slightly. If the metal man is like a swordsman without emotion, all the angles, postures, and strengths of the sword are impeccable and perfect, then the block of this blond teenager can be called seamless. Use a short dagger to make it extraordinary. The most important thing is that his vision can keep up with the speed of the metal man's sword. It can be seen that either the eyeball has been specially evolved or the physique is extremely high!

in vain--

Shit ~~

A strong white cold light flashed by. Suddenly, the blond boy moved forward, and took a steady and firm step forward. The dagger in his hand was like a deep-sea evil shark. His fangs were suddenly exposed, and at an incredible angle, he stabbed into the metal man ’s left shoulder holding the sword. . The tip of the dagger plunged into it, and then withdrew at a lightning speed, from which lavender plasma gushed out.

The metal Atlantis froze, and after a while, it slowly turned into countless golden light spots, fluttering with the wind, forming a metal gate, standing in front of the blond boy.

The teenager looked at the door for a while, put away the dagger, and pushed the door in.

"One blow is over?" Fan Xiangyu was somewhat stunned, and said: "It has been passively blocked, pretending to defend, but actually looking for flaws. What happened to the dagger just now, and it clearly collided with the golden sword. How can it suddenly bypass it and directly Cut into his arm, and, with such a short dagger, how could he hit the opponent first? "

Lin Chao stared at the video and said nothing.

Fan Xiangyu turned his head to look at him and said, "You're saying something, this golden retriever is really a human? At the age of seventeen, how could he have such a high level of fighting, in other words, what level of fighting is he? "

Lin Chao's eyes flickered and said, "A-level guru realm, and it is already a2 level. It is very close to the a3 level of the perfect guru realm. It may have been reached, but this battle is not enough for him to fully explode."

"A2 level?" Fan Xiangyu said in amazement: "So, isn't it like you?"

Lin Chao nodded slightly, with simple weapon operation skills, they were almost the same level, and they were all perfect masters. Moreover, this young man named Odin was different from Zhang Tianshi. His fighting skills were killing skills, and the dagger's moves were decisive and decisive. This is by no means a pure and soft simple technique. If you let him compete with Zhang Tianshi, it is estimated that Zhang Tianshi will be stabbed in a single interview.

At this time, the blonde teenager in the video entered the second floor of the virtual Wushen Tower, here is a closed giant fighting ring.


A blue complex symbol was dropped from the combat ring, and in the process of falling, a rich deep blue light was bloomed and slowly transformed into a human shape.

This is a blue-skinned Atlantis. He raised his hand and pulled out a slender soft whip. After making a polite gesture to the blond boy, he immediately shaken the whip and stormed it.

Swish swish ~!

The air is full of blue whip shadows, turning into a huge blue storm ball.

Looking at the data in the lower left corner, Lin Chao showed that the gravity of this second layer map is ten times that of the earth! The movement speed of this blue warrior reaches 528m / s. Although it is inferior to the people on the upper layer in movement speed, it still shakes out so many whips during the movement. It can be seen that if it is moving at full speed Never lower than three times the speed of sound!

The blond boy drew out his black dagger, and at the moment when the blue storm ball rolled over, his arm waved the dagger into a residual image, and the continuous sound of torrential rain rang out on the field.


Suddenly, a whiplash flashed across and lashed fiercely on the cheek of the blond boy, leaving a burst of blood marks, and the blood slipped down, as if really hurt.

Bang Bang Bang ~ ~ Blue whip shadow once again enveloped over endlessly.

Whip, among many weapons, is the softest to the softest.


The blond boy raised his dagger to block it, and the blue whip rolled like a viper, bypassing the dagger, and the whip was pointed on his body, leaving a blood spot immediately.

In just a few minutes of fighting, the blond teenager had a lot of scars on his body. He was gradually forced to the corner of the fighting platform, and if he stepped back, he would fall out of the ring.

Falling out also means that the challenge fails.


The blue whiplash swirled again.

The blond boy's eyes were fierce, his teeth bit in vain, and he raised his palm to grab the whip, and the dagger of his right hand flew out at the same moment!


Fast as a flying knife bullet!

The blue whip twitched on his palm without any suspense, and the entire palm was ruptured in two halves, and the phalanx and metacarpal were both broken. (To be continued.) Xh211

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