Genss > Other > Campus Beauty, Scamp Master > Chapter 1590

Campus Beauty, Scamp Master Chapter 1590

"Who are they looking for?"

Seeing this behind the scenes, Wang Xiao showed a look of doubt on his face and thought secretly in his heart.

Not only him, but also real dragon and Song Ming. It also shows the same color of doubt

These church members deliberately recite the Bible, use some special means to hypnotize everyone in the hotel, and then look for something in this room.

It's hard to avoid making others feel strange after spending so much noise.

Just when Wang Xiao was confused, those church members had searched the hotel rooms on this floor, and finally only Wang Xiao's room was left.


There was a slight sound of footsteps outside the corridor. Wang Xiao and the three could clearly hear that the church members were coming to their room.

Obviously, the members of the church also realized that there was another room that they forgot to search.

Immediately, under the observation of the three people's divine consciousness, those church members stopped outside Wang Xiao's room.


Then they heard a sound of unlocking the door from outside.

The door of the room was also opened, and the light outside the corridor came in, reflecting the figures of the members of the five churches into the room.

"Hurry up and search this room to see if the young lady is here."

"The hotel is so big that it's not easy for us to search. I'm afraid it's a big project tonight."

"There's no way. Who calls Miss fun!"

The three heard the voices of the church members coming from outside the door.

From the conversations of those church members, Wang Xiao had a vague understanding of things.

These church members seem to be looking for a girl, and their status is not low. At least in the church War Department, their status is absolutely extraordinary.

They hypnotized the whole hotel in such a big way to find the girl.

From their tone of voice, we can hear that these church members are in great awe of the girl.

"I didn't come to find them..." hearing this, Wang Xiao was also slightly relieved.

He didn't want to conflict with these church members in this hotel.

While thinking, the church members walked into the room and glanced at the three Wang Xiao in the room.

"It's just three men. There's no lady here. Let's go!"

One of the church members glanced at Wang Xiao and said faintly.

Then he was ready to walk out of the room.

"Wait a minute!" But at this time, another church member's face suddenly sank, his tone became cold, and said.

No! Hearing this, Wang Xiao and the three of them were all in a tight heart. Is something going to happen?

Other church members also looked at the member and asked, "holy mountain, what's the matter?"

The church member named Shengshan heard the speech, his face was solemn, his eyes stared at Wang Xiao and Song Ming, and said word by word: "I think these two people look familiar, as if I've seen them somewhere!"

Hearing this, Wang Xiao and Song Ming both jumped in their hearts and were ready to take action at any time.

Those church members disapproved and said, "holy mountain, are you sure you're right? This is sunset City, just a small town on the northern continent. How can you have acquaintances here?"

The member of the church named holy mountain waved his hand and said with a straight face, "I'm sure I've seen these two people and know them very well. Let me think about where I've seen them."

Hearing the words of holy mountain, the faces of other church members also became solemn.

They all know that the holy mountain is in the church. He is responsible for the secret sentry and the post of spy. His memory is very amazing.

All, as long as the holy mountain looks at the photos, you can remember each other.

Now Shengshan said that he knew the two people in the room, but was very familiar with them.

These two people, even if they are not wanted by the church War Department, are definitely related to the church War Department. If the former, as long as they catch these two people, they can get a lot of rewards, which can make up for the crime of losing miss!

Immediately, the holy mountain came to the bed, looked at Wang Xiao and Song Ming, and looked at them from time to time.

The atmosphere in the air also gradually became tense.

Finally, the holy mountain's eyes lit up, suddenly remembered something, and said excitedly, "I remember, I know who these two people are!"

When the other members of the church heard this from the holy mountain, their eyes lit up and asked in a voice, "who are the two of them?"

Wang Xiao and Song Ming were surprised. It seems that they were exposed!

Listening to the holy mountain's face, he looked straight at Wang Xiao and Song Ming and said, "these two people have killed a subordinate force of the War Department of our church, many elder experts. The subordinate force has reported their names to the War Department of the church, and the church has also issued a wanted notice. They are both underground criminals!"

"Underground criminal?!" When the church members heard this, there was a look of shock on their faces.

You should know that in the War Department of the church, whether it is a task or others, it will be divided into different levels, roughly divided into four levels of heaven and earth, Xuan and Huang, with heaven as the most and Huang as the second.

The ground level task is a very important task in the church War Department. As long as there is a task, the church members around the task site should help.

Not to mention the underground criminals, they all pose a great threat to the War Department of the church. If you catch a underground criminal, you can return the resources, but it is very terrible.

That's why these church members were excited when they heard that Song Ming and Wang Xiao were the most relaxed steps!

"Great. If we catch these two people back, we should be able to reduce the punishment for losing the young lady."

"But what are the names of these two underground criminals? Why don't I remember the photos of these two underground criminals in the church?"

"No matter what their names are, as long as they are underground criminals, don't you believe in the memory of the holy mountain?"

The members of the church discussed one after another and nodded at the end.

"What's the cost? Go ahead and catch both of them!"

The holy mountain said in a deep voice without any nonsense.

While talking, he stretched out his hand and was ready to grab it with a smile at Wang.

But at this time, Wang Xiao, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up from the bed. With his right hand turned over, a sharp sword roared away at the holy mountain.

Seeing this scene, the holy mountain also showed a look of shock on his face: "how could it!"

How did these two wake up?

According to the truth, their Bible has the function of hypnosis. These people should have fallen into hypnosis!

However, Shengshan also knows that this is not the time for him to think more. If he is later, he may be hurt by the man in front of him.

Without hesitation, he began to operate the internal energy in his body. In an instant, a gold shield appeared in front of the holy mountain, and the fierce sword roared with it.

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