She transmigrated and started different life

She transmigrated and started different life

author:JennyS Genre:Harem Status:Ongoing time:2024-03-23 08:57:58 count:96

She transmigrated and started different lifedescription: After Kendra Johnson lived her life under great difficulties she finally died and taught that was it.But the fate made bet with her. She awakened in body of weak child that was close to dying.Should
She transmigrated and started different lifeLatest Chapter:Chapter 521 - 521. Saving them

《She transmigrated and started different life》Latest chapter

Chapter 521 - 521. Saving them
520 520. The darkness
519 519. The rite?
518 518. Damo, the protected one
517 517. Zoltan
516 516. He got terrible idea
515 515. Sleazy Traz
514 514. The Headmaster
513 513. What if...?
512 512. Spiritual tree
511 511. Acorn syrup?
510 510. The undercurrents started moving
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《She transmigrated and started different life》Chapter

1 One last day
2 Awakening
3 Clean again
4 The marke
5 The house
6 06.I
7 Veggieees!
8 Am I normal,of course NOT!
9 Fooood
10 The life before
11 The new day and new life
12 Leisure time
13 Ah,so its a jam...
14 New home
15 On the way
16 The sea,the sun and so much fun
17 Going back and so tired
18 The savage leftovers
19 19.Stuff
20 20.More food?
21 21.should I even commen
22 22. Potatoes
23 23.It started
24 24.Some good and some stupid people
25 25.Ice cream...finally!
26 26.Rest day
27 27.The boy
28 28.Smothering love of...everyone
29 29.Soon...
30 30.So many plans
31 31.The work never ends
32 32.Some people just dont know
33 33. Some people will be punished...soon
34 34.So dooomed
35 35. The digging started
36 36. Truth is a relief for one but the doom for other
37 37.When you get wolf pack for dinner
38 38.The truth
39 39.Even if you are honest,you might not be trusted
40 40.Fluffy
41 41. I think she needs vacation,right?
42 42.Well
43 43.Coookieeees...ooooo...Pizzzzzaaaaaa
44 44.Suprized by the gold?Oh p.l.e.a.s.e I want it :
45 45.Who are you?
46 46.When Kendra becomes sweet,run!
47 47.Gold
48 48. Farm done,but some silly people came
49 49.New rats started coming...
50 50.When Kendra gets serious
51 51. The pearl and the pouch
52 52.New plans
53 53. She is disgusted
54 54. Creepy stuff and books...
55 55. She deserves the vacation and will have it.Right?
56 56. She cant sit still
57 57. The food is piling,but why?
58 58. On their way
59 59.Vacation and learning, why not?
60 60. Food
61 61.Strange things happening everywhere
62 62. Going back
63 63.Back home,but wth?
64 64.Not normal at all...
65 65. So many emotions...
66 66. The story starts to entwine
67 67.The story
68 68.Home sweet home
69 69.Lilly!!! part 1
70 70. Lilly!! Part 2
71 71.At the farm...
72 72.The followers
73 73.Family finally 1
74 74.Family finally 2
75 75. Thalis story
76 76. The cook and menu
77 77. Who are real friends and who foes?
78 78. When someone is unable to learn...
79 79. Space necklace
80 80. Adas and Tyras real reasons
81 81.The darkness within
82 82.The well
83 83.The change
84 84.Cute family
85 85.Cutie the cloud
86 86. She is doing her job again, but that is not what she wants
87 87.Stupid people everywhere...
88 88.The prophecy
89 89.Is it time for him to come, nah...
90 90.New friends, old enemies
91 91. Some serious business
92 92.The space
93 93.The Eyes
94 94.The cave
95 95. When Kendra starts being herself, scary indeed ...
96 96.Ignoring crazy people and going on trip
97 97. The presen
98 98.The trouble is brewing
99 99. Job done, travel it time?
100 100.Tyras doom
101 101. The fluffy family
102 102.The Secretary
103 103.Finally
104 104.Preparations
105 105.New friend or...?
106 106. Can stupidity be curable?
107 107. The chief is unusual
108 108. Meira
109 109.Some people are getting overboard
110 110.Food, food... and food
111 111.The city testing
112 112.Mother...or not?
113 113. Their ways are parting
114 114.Kendras decision
115 115. Marcus is leaving
116 116. The child
117 117.Parents love
118 118.So much power...
119 119.Red butterfly
120 120. The perfection in Kendras eyes
121 121.The logic
122 122. The array
123 123.Serenity
124 124.Strange friends
125 125.Romantic Trixie
126 126.The hunch 1
127 127. The hunch 2
128 128. Husband ?
129 129. Victorias story 1
130 130.Victorias story 2
131 131.Victorias story 3
132 132. The puppeteers junior
133 133.Father...
134 134.Sir and Lady Williams
135 135. The feas
136 136.Unwanted help
137 137. Day of res
138 138.End of the side story
139 139.Goodbyes
140 140. The trip started...
141 141. Siblings
142 142. Only you can push yourself
143 143.Kendras meal
144 144.Weasel
145 145. The illusion
146 146.Munching
147 147.Fastest end of war
148 148. Isaa is punished
149 149.Will be soon home?
150 150. Nothing is as it seems
151 151. No death until eternity
152 152.Almost there
153 153. Blackbellied couple, or not?
154 154.Proposal?
155 155. Pure happiness
156 156.The obvious changes
157 157.The real story of her pas
158 158. Kendra smiles again...uh
159 159.The case is closed...
160 160. The peaceful days
161 161.Kendras fury 1
162 162. Kendras fury 2
163 163.Kendras fury 3
164 164.Kendras fury is not extinguished ye
165 165. Eternal damnation cycle
166 166. The end of sufferning
167 167. Eating or marrying?
168 168. Lais and Tassio
169 169. The trail
170 170. Free again
171 171. The truth unfolds
172 172. New plans
173 173. New plans
174 174.
175 175. Finally
176 176. The other realm
177 177. Changes
178 178. New spells pouring out Kendra
179 179. The tes
180 180. Rumors
181 181. Some things are changing
182 182. New news
183 183. Preparing
184 184. Taskmaster
185 185. Chit chat with the Taskmaster
186 186. First day...
187 187. Fishing, gathering and powers
188 188. Surviving the strange world
189 189.Task done, but the gift is...
190 190. Sirius and Anita
191 191. Not her
192 192. More people in, but what is that?
193 193. The cloth
194 194.The village
195 195. Moshrooms
196 196.Not wanting to grow up
197 197. Making safe heaven?
198 198.
199 199. Isaas sickness
200 200.Real parental love
201 201.Plans?
202 202.News
203 203.The sacred blood?
204 204.She found it, but...
205 205.Saving the saint animal
206 206.The way back home
207 207.Welcome home
208 208. Illos village cooperation 1
209 209.Illos village cooperation 2
210 210. Just arived and things get awry
211 211.Cultivators, or not?
212 212.Misunderstandings and stupidity
213 213. Old friends and new ones
214 214.The conections that are made
215 215. Family?
216 216. The thing
217 217.The formation progress
218 218.Sisters
219 219.The fluffy formation
220 220.Love is in the air...
221 221.Palcca the God of Strengh
222 222.Jelous Kendra?
223 223.Making Palcca suffer, just tiny bit...
224 224.Palccas story
225 225.Back home...
226 226. When someone is dumb beyond repair
227 227.Bothersome people
228 228.Take advice, or not...
229 229.Kendra let them, but Taskmaster is worried
230 230. The true feelings inside
231 231.The end of maze?
232 232.When Kendra forgets...
233 233.The egg cultivates
234 234.To explain what happened
235 235.The new conection made and word has spread
236 236. Safe Heaven City
237 237.Those that hope a new future in Save Heaven City
238 238. Looking for his sister
239 239. The man and child in fight, or not?
240 240.Kendras ideas
241 241.Introducing her
242 242.Claros unruly thoughts
243 243. Getting punished for his stray eyes
244 244. Things that can scare her
245 245. Rage within
246 246. The breaktrough
247 247. One more bowl, please
248 248. Spirit food?
249 249.Summer vacation?
250 250. It finally arrived! :
251 251. Cyan Jade
252 252. New decision Knedra made
253 253.Maike the Grounding Fairy
254 254. Anger
255 255. He appeared again ;
256 256. Energy growth
257 257.Small talk
258 258. Curious father
259 259. The explanation
260 260. Illos plans
261 261.Mahinations and stupidity
262 262. The new trea
263 263. The two pople crossed the path
264 264. Taos care
265 265.Helping the two
266 266.Father came to meet her
267 267. Some peoples minds are just...
268 268.When Kendra feels punishing but not killing
269 269.Kendra has that smile
270 270.Kendra is at it again
271 271. When she uses things people throw away
272 272. The new plans for the city
273 273. Cleaning some botehrsome people 1
274 274.The new situation
275 275. Soul devourer
276 276. Revealing her secet to him
277 277. Family again
278 278. New choices for change
279 279. With friends and family
280 280. Effect of fathers care
281 281. The nearing truth
282 282. Fun time
283 283. Her true wish
284 284. He needs to learn more
285 285. The story unfolds 1
286 286. The story unfolds 2
287 287. The story end...?
288 288. Cocoon or an egg?
289 289. Constructors
290 290. Isaa and her struggles
291 291. The naughtiness
292 292. Doomed to happiness ;
293 293. The creator
294 294. Finding some treacherous people or not?
295 295. The wish is now in pas
296 296. Cooking with her
297 297. 1st April chapter use free pass as its long
298 298. Eating like there is no tomorrow
299 299. Dying is not a bad solution
300 300. Strange feelings
301 301. Having new ideas and pulling everyone in
302 302. Aellas tes
303 303. The evolved worm
304 304. Cant fool Kendra
305 305. Kaia plans restructure and Sarah will help her, right?
306 306. New color order
307 307. The way they learn...
308 308. Precautions and reasons
309 309. The testing village
310 310. Cutting of family ties
311 311. Give and take
312 312. Leaving the ones you loved, or not?
313 313. Being naughty in wrong momen
314 314. Family together
315 315. Getting jelous
316 316. Unfortunate Eden
317 317. Changes and certificates... and one more
318 318. Eden real powers
319 319. Palcca being jelly
320 320. The care and love
321 321. Understanding Kendra, or not?
322 322. The Inner Turmoil sect will get a turmoil
323 323. Going to competition
324 324. First stupid people
325 325. Spirit food discovered
326 326. Trading items with a silly old man
327 327. Playfulness and rudness
328 328. Old enemy appared
329 329. New potentitonal friends
330 330. Another stupid person
331 331. The fight started
332 332. Taking waste with them
333 333. Given a chance
334 334. If you are bored...
335 335. Godly points could be earned this way as well?
336 336. Brother in law
337 337. Slowly, slowly...
338 338. Sending them to her world
339 339. Promised the eternity
340 340. The fights going to the final
341 341. The real power
342 342. In a serious trouble
343 343. Thei?
344 344. Puffy fish
345 345. Mother Oyster
346 346. Woke up...
347 347. She is gone
348 348. Kalu Kalu and a dragon child
349 349. Crazy child
350 350. Met Master Toma
351 351. Her true face
352 352. The red bird and creature
353 353. The realization and atonemen
354 354. Both of them protect i
355 355. Saying goodbye
356 356. The fear of unknown
357 357. The reason
358 358. The threa
359 359. Not being able to kill me
360 360. Interesting
361 361. Wives
362 362. It would be too cruel
363 363. Intelligent Sokk
364 364. Real love and emotionless reaction
365 365. The Sokk family
366 366. Survival of fittes
367 367. A new flame? Or old one?
368 368. An Oi
369 369. The new chance for Sokk
370 370. Annoying
371 371. Helping her
372 372. New troubles?
373 373. Strange pregnancy
374 374. The way I am
375 375. Pushing the two men too far
376 376. Like a moth to the ligh
377 377. The ninth world
378 378. The World of Thousand continents
379 379. Similar destruction, common enemy?
380 380. Molok
381 381. Teaching someone for the first time
382 382. The true partner
383 382. Sleeping beauty
384 384. Little turtle
385 385. The fake world
386 386. Meeting him again
387 387. The little commander
388 388. Reinforcement arrived
389 389. The bad premonition
390 390. Spanking an old man
391 391. Fooled by the dark ones
392 392. Separating lovers as punishmen
393 393. The truth and the anger
394 394. The darkness
395 395. Who are you?
396 396. Isaas anger
397 397. Mother is back
398 398. To tell them or not tell them?
399 399. Worry unite them all
400 400. Taking off the skin
401 401. A heavy thing
402 402. Spirit contract?
403 403. The tail of seven-headed lizard
404 404. Smiling face but eyes filled with pain
405 405. Finding own way to understand Sea of Power
406 406. To weak to continue
407 407. Use compassion
408 408. Not a horse!
409 409. Hamster Kendra
410 411. Spirit contac
411 410. Spirit fruits
412 412. Inviting with purpose
413 413. Unpleasant smell
414 414. Sister?
415 415. Sloppy Lord Daruvar
416 416. Is it against the rule?
417 417. The old cauldron
418 418. Not restrained
419 419. Familiar person
420 420. Cian
421 421. Kendras results and Cians problems
422 422. Strange floating objec
423 423. Rising from ashes
424 424. Talaka
425 425. Feeling shame as an Elder
426 426. Dormitory or monks cell?
427 427. New friends
428 428. Sister or mother?
429 429. New family and old friends
430 430. Having malicious thoughts
431 431. Cute
432 432. She has crazy cultivation base
433 433. Surprise after surprise
434 434. Noa
435 435. Byeeee
436 436. Understanding is better than just learning
437 437. All is your faul
438 438. Ignoring silly man
439 439. Will be just playing her...
440 440. Back at the Valley of Giants
441 441. Giving them a choice
442 442. Scary how attractive he is
443 443. Hazed and dazed
444 444. Forbidden lovey-doveys
445 445. Getting a bath
446 446. Mommy!
447 447. Pain and rain
448 448. Beautiful
449 449. Not the same!
450 450. Devil Cultivator
451 451. The shadow
452 452. No peeking?
453 453. The shapeshifter
454 454. Changing
455 455. Swimming in the ice lake?
456 456. Getting stronger vs. having more skills
457 457. Going together
458 458. Utter trus
459 459. Blizzard
460 460. No cure for regrets
461 461. The dark energy
462 462. Speed of ice and wind
463 463. True cultvator
464 464. Refused to join
465 465. Spirit cook?
466 466. Not so empty threats
467 467. Man or woman?
468 468. Having good intention but failing to do it properly
469 469. Having an idea
470 470. Scary smile
471 471. Troublesome people
472 472. Icy Planes
473 473. Ice Blizzard Storm
474 474. Spirit energy MSG
475 475. Being expensive is not a problem
476 476. Natural luck
477 477. Already finished?
478 478. Not her style
479 479. The big change
480 480. Tak is overdoing i
481 481. Regrets not being closer
482 482. Not friend, but not an enemy
483 483. The strange feeling
484 484. Is this love?
485 485. Companion?
486 486. The Creature
487 487. The same?
488 488. Excited about nothing?
489 489. The flash of memory
490 490. The split of strange memory
491 491. Whimsical Creature
492 492. Marcus getting a try
493 493. Strange sound from the other side
494 494. Being careful
495 495. The nighmare
496 496. Thinking about next task
497 497. Spirit worm
498 498. In the last moment...
499 499. Ants
500 500. Finally there...
501 501. Treasury room
502 502. To share
503 503. Realizing own mistake
504 504. Finally ou
505 505. Taffys fury
506 506. Amazing
507 507. Spirit Basilisk
508 508. Then Ardnek it is...
509 509. They all know the truth
510 510. The undercurrents started moving
511 511. Acorn syrup?
512 512. Spiritual tree
513 513. What if...?
514 514. The Headmaster
515 515. Sleazy Traz
516 516. He got terrible idea
517 517. Zoltan
518 518. Damo, the protected one
519 519. The rite?
520 520. The darkness
Chapter 521 - 521. Saving them
Tags: She transmigrated and started different life Latest chapterShe transmigrated and started different life FreeShe transmigrated and started different life Novel
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